Digitalisation Growth
Q : What is Digitalisation Growth?
A : eCommerce Globalisation of firms for new businesses and marketplaces
About the Workshop
The future : The world of eBusinesses and eServices
For who ? : All who are keen to know more about new opportunities in the era of the digital world.
Program : A program with interest group interaction. Focus on new opportunities and business development. Corporate Hosts at BPII Qcircle.
Theme : New Insight on digitalisation growth. Value Addon participation at Qcircle eConsortium and its Ecosystem for a shared value growth.
Outcome : Immediate Job induction to the eConsortium as Affiliate @ Qcircle for all qualified participants.
Post workshop internship or mentorship for those who have subscribed to the SGM or Digital Transformation.
Enrolment : On enrolment, all participants will be given a complimentary one year EIM Starters Plan to explore the eConsortium to advance themselves. Submit your interest with us now.
Post Digitalisation Workshop Program
Digital Solutions and Applications
- Subscribe digital value creation program to suit your interest.
- Select an internationally recognised specialty domain brand for affiliation.
- Build your financial reward with a choice Consortium Plan.
The Program is a ePartners cooperative learning initiative. The service is provided by Qcircle Professionals / Specialists to assist fellow members to reposition themselves in the digital world of business.
Opportunities and Privileges :
The program offers members the opportunity to be certified for service on subscription to a Consortium Plan. The Plan allocates Privileges and Reward.
Select a program to advance in the Consortium.

Digital Transformation | Business Uplift | Scale-up
- Digitalisation Growth – eBusiness worldwide
- Strategic Integration of members competencies and businesses
- Consortium Financial Plan Privileges and Reward
Alternate Solution Package Program

Strategic Global Media (SGM) Solutions
- Globalisation in digital economies
- Strategic Digitalisation of members competencies and businesses.
- Consortium Financial Plan Privileges and Reward
Program Format and Agenda
Program Plan may vary to meet local requirements of participants