The Chartered Professional Company is a division of Chartered Network International (CNI)
CNI is the world’s largest platform of networked chartered professional in different specialisation. It is a multidisciplinary consortium comprising of investors, business owners and professional service providers., uniquely grouped under a distinctive set of specialty domains for today’s global marketplaces. The Consortium is now open for participation. Strategic Development Partnership is welcome.
Open for participation and development
Operates in conjunction with Chartered Network International, eConsortium Partner @ Qcircle
Get professional specialty | business development needs
Online Submission
Business Proposal Form
Please fill in the below form to job – business connect :
1. Direct application by customers or mentees, please provide program / consortium plan you intend to enrol / upgrade to.
2. Mentors proposal for service to enrolled participants, please provide detail of mentee’s proposed growth plan
Business Proposal| Professional Service Needs | Mentor-Mentee AllianceApplication
To apply provision of services, please state clearing the domain service needed.
Strategic Globalisation Plan for entrepreneurs and professionals |
Partners Programs.
All participants will be registered as a Qualified Client User on enrolment and rewarded with an appropriate upgrade of a eCommerce Consortium Plan for self-actualisation of returns on completion
Digital Enterprise Development Venture Offers
Value Chain Creation by Specialisation. Digitally connected with Chartered Network and eConsortium @ Qcircle. Get Started. Subscribe eBusiness Affiliation Plan
For Investors | Business Owners | Job and Business Seekers
Find immediate start-up opportunities @ the eConsortium
Ready Job | Business Offers
Progressive participation with value-added portfolio set-up
Join the team.
- Participate as an Affilate for a new job or business at Qcircle
- Select a knowledge domain to develop your potential and core interest
- Advance to be a Specialty Education | Business | Professional Service Provider or Host at your own pace and place.
- Develop your Project Team | Create your job | business portfolio.
Quick Set-up | Qcircle or choose your specialty interest to advance. Scroll down 
CNI Chartered Professional
CNI Chartered Architect
CNI Chartered Arbitrator
CNI Chartered Manager
CNI Chartered Engineer
CNI Chartered Builder
CNI Chartered Town Planner
CNI Chartered Designer
CNI Chartered Landscape Architect
CNI Chartered Quantity Surveyor
CNI Chartered Valuation Surveyor
CNI Chartered Quality Professional
CNI Chartered Project Professional
CNI Chartered Building Professional
CNI Chartered Building Engineer
CNI Chartered Structural Engineer
CNI Chartered Construction Manager
CNI Chartered Chemical Engineer
CNI Chartered Electrical Engineer
CNI Chartered Mechanical Engineer
CNI Chartered Biologist
CNI Chartered Chemist
CNI Chartered Physician
CNI Chartered Insurer
CNI Chartered Insurance Practitioner
CNI Chartered Mathematician
CNI Chartered Statistician
CNI Chartered Librarian
CNI Chartered Geographer
CNI Chartered Tax Advisor
CNI Chartered Ship Broker
CNI Chartered Planner
Enterprise Brands | Integrated digital enterprise ventures
Quick Business Affiliate Set-up | Advance to a higher eConsortium Plan at your own pace and place
Partners Solutions
Accredited events for induction to Chartered Network
Complimentary eCommerce Award Plan
Solution Learners Users
Application | Choice of Event and Program | Enrolment